Project 252


Contributed by Anonymous Participant
EdTech Tool Name:Animoto
Bref Description:Used to make videos by students in class. Very simple to use - can be as simple as adding photos and sound files/ text together to form a video. However videos can be uploaded as well and interspersed with text..NOTE: You must apply for educational license so that you get to make full length videos.
Type of EdTech Tool:
  • Web (access through web browser)
  • Apple OS Software
EdTech Tool Usage Keywords:presentation, collaboration
EdTech Tool Uses:Used mainly by students for creating videos to demonstrate that they have learned and understood a concept. Video can then be used for revision by class. Good for alternative assessment of a topic.
Education Level(s):
  • Post-Primary (Junior)
  • Post-Primary (Senior)
Academic Subjects:
EdTech Tool Pricing Structure:Completely, 100% free
Other: You must apply for educational licence otherwise you can only make 30 second videos
Educational License/Discount: You need a school email for educational licence