Project 252


Contributed by SCC English (@sccenglish)
EdTech Tool Name:Audioboom
Bref Description:Easily podcasting and audio broadcasting
Type of EdTech Tool:
  • Web (access through web browser)
  • Android (phone/tablet) App
  • IOS (iPhone/iPod Touch) App
  • IOS (iPad/iPad Mini) App
  • Windows Software
EdTech Tool Usage Keywords:presentation, communication
EdTech Tool Uses:Easy to use through a variety of media, such as your phone; free 10 minute recordings can be done 'on the hoof'. Longer recording can be paid for. We have used for brief revision sessions on, for instance, characters in 'Hamlet', or forms of poetry.
Education Level(s):
  • Primary (Junior)
  • Primary (Senior)
  • Primary (SEN)
  • Post-Primary (Junior)
  • Post-Primary (Senior)
  • Post-Primary (SEN)
  • Third Level/Higher Education
Academic Subjects:We use for English, but no reason it can't be used for any and every academic subject.
EdTech Tool Pricing Structure:Completely, 100% free
Other: Longer recording available with payment
Further info: