Project 252


Contributed by Enda (@donenda)
EdTech Tool Name:Endnote
Bref Description:Citation, bibliography and research management software
Type of EdTech Tool:
  • Apple OS Software
  • IOS (iPad/iPad Mini) App
  • Windows Software
EdTech Tool Usage Keywords:citation, bibliography, writing, research
EdTech Tool Uses:Endnote is a long-established citation and bibliography management application. There are thousands of styles that can be downloaded from the Endnote website and easily added; you can also modify existing styles or create your own. Endnote integrates very well with word processing packages (such as Microsoft Word) to easily insert and manage references as you write, and to generate your bibliography. Insert the source's bibliographical details directly via forms for each type of source, such as book, article, book chapter, etc., or search through the database for your reference, or import a saved reference to Endnote. You can also organize, rename, annotate, search and open PDF files directly within EndNote.
Education Level(s):
  • Post-Primary (Senior)
  • Third Level/Higher Education
Academic Subjects:
EdTech Tool Pricing Structure:Commercial (once-off fee)
Further info: