Project 252


Contributed by Pip Bruce Ferguson (@DocPipNZ)
EdTech Tool Name:Flubaroo
Bref Description:Assessment, grading tool that also provides reports
Type of EdTech Tool:
EdTech Tool Usage Keywords:assessment, grade calculation, feedback
EdTech Tool Uses:Saw this demonstrated at a Google Summit this week. Enables construction of items, grading, report provision, generic feedback to students.
Education Level(s):
  • Primary (Junior)
  • Primary (Senior)
  • Primary (SEN)
  • Post-Primary (Junior)
  • Post-Primary (Senior)
  • Post-Primary (SEN)
  • Third Level/Higher Education
Academic Subjects:Should work for anything that you can construct items on in google forms
EdTech Tool Pricing Structure:Completely, 100% free
Further info:
Comment:While it's a bit 'rigid' in its marking options, the presenter told us at the Summit that you can use % and 'or' to allow for different options