Project 252

Cartoon Story Maker

Contributed by Camara Ireland (@CamaraIreland)
EdTech Tool Name:Cartoon Story Maker
Bref Description:Makes 2D screen based cartoon stories to illustrate conversations and dialogues.
Type of EdTech Tool:
  • Web (access through web browser)
  • Windows Software
EdTech Tool Usage Keywords:language learning, presentation, creativity, collaboration, language development
EdTech Tool Uses:The Cartoon Story Maker has been designed with a focus on applying language learning. It is easy to use with simple controls so students spend less time manipulating tools and more time on the language. Within a few minutes of opening the Cartoon Story Maker students can be typing text or adding their own voice recordings. I use it to get students to work on language development skills. Students can create comic strips in any language. They can work collaboratively or individually on the projects. It works with any age group as you can give any topic to be focused on and the students can create as basic or as advanced a cartoon as required. Once the software is downloaded it works offline so I find it a great to have for when there may be internet issues, or for when internet may not be up to scratch in a school.
Education Level(s):
  • Primary (Junior)
  • Primary (Senior)
  • Primary (SEN)
  • Post-Primary (Junior)
  • Post-Primary (Senior)
  • Post-Primary (SEN)
Academic Subjects:English, Irish, French, German, Spanish, Italian, History, Geography, Social Studies,
EdTech Tool Pricing Structure:Completely, 100% free