Project 252


Contributed by Enda (@donenda)
EdTech Tool Name:Rememble
Bref Description:Chronology (timeline) social application
Type of EdTech Tool:
  • Web (access through web browser)
EdTech Tool Usage Keywords:timeline, history, social, collaboration, portfolio, reflection, curration
EdTech Tool Uses:Rememble is an online facility that describes itself as "a 'washing line' for your digital bits and pieces". It allows you to "thread together texts, photos, videos, sounds, scribbles, scans, notes, tweets... so they're not drifting in a digital wasteland". The service is basically a timeline generation facility that enables you to add multiple types of content and arrange this chronologically. Each digital 'bit' (email, image, video, SMS message, etc.) is known as a 'memble' and these are arranged by timestamp to create a 'memble line' (timeline). Membles can be kept private, shared with only friends or shared with everyone, or shared within groups that you establish or are part of. You can upload 'membles' directly or import from some other services (such as Flickr and Twitter). From an educational perspective, Rememble can be used for historical timeline generation, curation and sharing of content, reflection, digital portfolios, diaries of work experience and other types of placement and experience, etc.
Education Level(s):
  • Post-Primary (Junior)
  • Post-Primary (Senior)
  • Third Level/Higher Education
Academic Subjects:
EdTech Tool Pricing Structure:Completely, 100% free
Further info: